Monday, February 24, 2014

Does My Child Have an Eating Disorder?

Blog contributed by Kathleen Zimmerman, MD,  Pediatrician

If you are asking this question, then your child needs to be seen by his or her provider.  Over the past decade the United States and other parts of the world have seen steady increases in the incidence of anorexia (nervosa) and bulimia for both females and males.  There is also an increasing trend for younger children to develop eating disorders as well as teens.  Eating disorders present with many different signs and symptoms.  Sometimes these are difficult to detect if your child is hiding them.   Here are a few that should raise a flag and prompt you to bring your child to the office:

  1. Constantly worried about their size or weight
  2. Not eating as much food as they used to but insisting they ate when you weren't around
  3. Binge eating large amounts of foods 
  4. Menstrual period is becoming irregular or skipping months
  5. Intense exercise more than 1-2  hours per day and they are very stressed if they miss a workout
  6. Symptoms: cold intolerance, dizziness,  abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea, muscle cramps, looks pale and weak
  7. Either parent has a history of eating disorder

Your provider will measure height, weight, BMI and get a thorough diet and exercise history.  They may need to talk with your child alone.  Follow up appointments will be important to track the weight.

Early detection of eating disorders is important to prevent serious consequences.  So, even if your child denies there is a problem, it is important to have your provider evaluate any concerning eating behaviors or weight changes.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Strep throat vs. Viral pharyngitis

Blog contributed by Julie A. Lundblad, MSN, CRNP

How do I know if child has strep throat? Medical care providers cannot always tell by looking in the throat. Most offices can run a rapid strep test and the results are just minutes away. 80% of all sore throat office visits are viral, only 20% are from Strep.

Common symptoms of step throat:
  • Sudden onset of sore throat
  • Pain with swallowing
  • Fever >101
  • Red, swollen tonsils (sometimes white patches)
  • Swollen lymph nodes

Strep can also cause headaches, nausea, vomiting, rash, body aches, or tiny spots on the back of the throat (petechiae)

What is viral pharyngitis? Basically inflammation of the tonsils and back of the throat, with or without a fever. These are caused by viruses and upper respiratory infections.

Common symptoms of viral sore throat:
  • Sore throat, dry and scratchy
  • Runny nose, sneezing
  • Headache
  • Cough
  • Fatigue
  • Low grade fever

Strep throat is contagious, so if there is a known exposure, testing is necessary.  I recommend calling your Primary Care Physician for an appointment to rule out Strep. It is usually easily treated with an antibiotic for 5-10 days. If the sore throat is viral, the treatment is supportive and symptomatic.

Monday, February 3, 2014

My Child’s Ear Hurts – Is it an ear infection?

Blog contributed by Kathleen Zimmerman, MD,  Pediatrician

All parents have experienced the middle of the night cry from their child, “my ear hurts!”  Ear pain is one of the most common reasons a parent calls their child’s doctor or provider.  But how do you know if it is an ear infection? When do you need to bring your child to the office?

There are many causes of ear pain.  Sometimes the pain has nothing to do with the ear itself.  Children can have “referred” ear pain that is actually coming from the tonsils or the teeth.  You may see ear pain or ear pulling in a baby that is teething, especially when the molars are coming in.  Children with swollen tonsils or strep throat will often come into the office complaining of ear pain.  This referred pain occurs because the tonsils and throat are actually quite close to the inner ear.  Another example of referred ear  pain is seen in an older child or teenager that has temporal mandibular joint pain (or TMJ syndrome) – the hinge of the jaw is right in front of the ear, so a child with teeth grinding or TMJ pain can also feel ear pain.

Of course many children with ear pain do have a problem with their ear.  This could be swelling of the ear canal as in “swimmer’s ear”, which is common in the summer.  But in most cases ear problems are behind the ear drum, which is sometimes referred to as the “inner ear”. The inner ear has a tube connecting it to the nose. This is called the Eustachian tube. If your child has a stuffy nose from a cold or from allergies, fluid can push back through this tube and cause ear pain. This kind of fluid and pressure will go away with time and also improves as the nose is decongested. Ask your provider if an over the counter medicine, such as a decongestant or an antihistamine, would be appropriate for your child.

In some cases, the fluid behind the ear drum develops bacteria in it.  The bacteria create pus and more fluid and pressure behind the ear drum.  This is an inner ear infection, or “otitis media”. A child with and ear infection and ear pain will usually need antibiotics.

When you call your medical provider about your child’s ear pain, they will ask questions to try to figure out the cause of the pain. In most cases, they will recommend your child be seen if the pain persists or is severe. Sometimes they may recommend over the counter medicines if it is safe and appropriate for your child. But the only way to know if it is an ear infection is for your provider to look in the ear. Antibiotics will not help your child if it is not an ear infection and antibiotics should only be used when needed.  This is why your doctor will usually not want to prescribe an antibiotic over the phone.